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Hello World


How wonderful to see you here! Be welcome!

This is not my first blog, but it is the first time that I'm writing on a website made by me! I already had some Blogspot and Wordpress ones, but it got lost over time.

But the important thing is that is back, brand new, and soon it will be full of fantastic content that will help you to acquire the right skills to become a top-level professional and work in challenging projects.

Here you will find out content about everything a front-end needs to know to get a great job. Starting with basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and going deeper with React, Angular, Responsive Design, Accessibility, Testing and more.

This website is also completely open source, so if you found a typo or want to propose an improvement for it, feel free to fork the repository at Github and send a pull request to me. Your contribution will be very welcome.

Ready to learn? So let's go and happy coding!
